Administrative Regulations
These documents may be found in other locations, however they may be updated or outdated. It is the candidate's responsibility to know the version found on this exam study guide.
- AR4550 - Private Use Of City Labor, Equipment, Materials And Supplies Prohibited.pdf
- AR4580 - Management Of Loss To City Property Due To Crimes Or Negligence.pdf
- AR9062 - Information And Communications Technology Acceptable Use.pdf
- AR9560 - Conflict Of Interest And Employee Conduct.pdf
- AR9594 - Tobacco And Smoke-Free Workplace Policy.pdf
- AR9650 - Equal Employment Opportunity Policy And Complaint Resolution Procedures.pdf
- AR9710 - Threat Management Policy.pdf
- AR_75.05_-_Vehicle_&_Equipment_Backing_Procedures.pdf
- AR_75.12 Vehicle and Industrial Accident Review (Dec 23).pdf
- AR_95.55_Procurement_Card_Procedures.pdf
- Revised_AR_75.12_L145.pdf